1. Your Name
First Name
Last Name
2. As we grow cancer advocacy networks across communities and campuses, we want to be sure we know where our strongest contacts are at, which includes you - our scholarship alumni. Please let us know here where you're currently located and what you're up to, professionally and/or academically.
3. We regularly share out former and current College Scholars' stories as part of awareness or fundraising campaigns, and we want to be sure that if we're sharing information about you, it's an up-to-date reflection of you and your journey and you're comfortable with the details included. Please take a moment to review your feature page on our site (follow the link at the top of this page). Do you have any updates we should make? Please let us know here.
4. Our impact as childhood cancer advocates is always more powerful when we come together. We want to gauge your interest in collaborating and/or networking with other survivor-scholars and what that might look like. Please indicate which of the following types of engagement you might be interested in. Select all that apply.
I'd attend a virtual meeting.
I'd attend a regional event with others in my area (within a reasonable distance for travel).
I'd participate in a national activity in Washington, DC (if expenses are covered).
I'd be interested in collaborating over email or another online format.
None: I'm too busy with other commitments at this time.
None: I'm taking a break from cancer advocacy and survivorship activities.
Other (please expand below)
If you answered 'other' above, please share your suggestion here:
5. As a follow-up to the above question, what type of collaborative activity would be of most interest to you? Select all that apply.
A social event, i.e. a happy hour or a sports game
An advocacy event, i.e. a lobby day to push for research funding or survivorship legislation
A volunteer event, i.e. working together to host coordinated blood drives
An educational event, i.e. a symposium or conference that brings together survivors and providers
A survivor-led social media campaign
Working with a small group of other survivors interested in advancing similar issues
Group activities are not of interest at this time, but I'd like to learn more about guest blogging and/or becoming an advocacy ambassador.
Other (please specify below)
If you answered 'other' above, please share your suggestion here:
6. We've recently revamped our web resource aimed at educating young adult survivors of childhood cancer about long term follow-up care, physical and mental late effects, and navigating young adulthood as a survivor. The updated and restructured site is now organized into three educational courses for survivors to work through at their own pace and interest level. We're seeking your feedback and suggestions, using this survey as a focus group to help fine-tune the site and ensure it is as informative and easy-to-navigate as possible. For the purpose of this exercise, we're asking you to work through one of the three courses and share your feedback via the final questions on this survey. Your assigned content area is Late Effects. Please open this course in another browser window and spend approximately 10 minutes skimming through the content: https://www.childhoodcancersurvivorship.org/late-effects
After spending a few minutes with the Late Effects course, let us know what you think about these statements:
The course was easy to navigate and I understood how to work through the lessons.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The content is educational and informative.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I learned something new.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I would recommend this course to other survivors I know.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
7. What age range of survivors would you say this content is best aimed at?
8. Positive feedback: What did you like best about the course?
9. Constructive feedback: What needs more work? Did you find any errors or typos? If any of the content felt insensitive or made you uncomfortable in its tone or language, please share that feedback here.
10. Is there a topic area or issue that you thought should be part of this course but you didn't see it there?
Optional: If there's anything else you'd like to share with us or suggest, please do so here.